Navigational Instruments Richard Dunn
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
362131 - Aeronautical and nautical navigational instruments. One of the earliest human-made navigational tools used to aid mariners was the mariner's compass, which was an early form of the magnetic compass. Measuring, Testing, Navigational Instruments. The mariner's astrolabe would have replaced or complemented instruments Lois Ann. * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. D7936_1.jpgThe National Maritime Museum (NMM) holds a large and varied collection of astronomical and navigational instruments. Marine Navigational Instruments [Jean Randier, J. We have already encountered some navigational instruments: a Chinese armillary sphere, an Islamic planisphere and an astrolabe. The oldest and most familiar type of compass is the magnetic compass, which is used in different forms in aircraft, ships, and land vehicles and by surveyors. This subclass comprises aeronautical and nautical navigational instruments. Perfect Climate | Workforce Training | Existing Businesses.