Sweet Briar College, Virginia Lynn Rainville, Lisa N. Johnston
Publisher: Arcadia Publishing SC
Sweet Briar I did a year at Hollins, in Roanoke, Va, I did not like Hollins at all. Elijah Fletcher A Vermont schoolteacher, Elijah Fletcher (1789-1858) traveled to New Glasgow, Va. Alumnae Office PO Box 1055 Sweet Briar, VA 24595. Colleges › By State › Virginia › Sweet Briar College Stats, Info and Facts. Order your Virginia Sweet Briar License Plate. Sweet Briar College, in Sweet Briar, Va., in an undated photograph. Yochum is also involved in middle school science teacher education via funding from NSF and the State of Virginia. The all- women's school plans to close in August. Development Office PO Box 1057 Sweet Briar, VA 24595. Our core values include: Read more. (AP) -- Weeks into his presidency at Sweet Briar College, Phillip C. Graduating students at Sweet Briar College in Virginia gathered on Saturday before what was believed to be the college's last commencement.